1. This program is a screen saver for Windows 95 and possibly NT (not tested). You will need the drivers for AVI files and MIDI (most systems already have them if you have a sound card). I don't supply them. 2. I claim no rights to the Dancing Baby file. It was created by Ron Lussier and he retains rights to it. When you purchase this screensaver you are purchasing the screensaver engine, the baby animation is available freely on the net. 3. You can contact the author in case of questions or problems via E-mail: pgj@ix.netcom.com. 4. This program is Shareware. You may use it for 30 days without registering. After 30 days you must remove it from your system or register. 5. You can register by sending $15(USD, Check, Cash or M.O.) to: Patrick Johnson 8730 N. Holly Brook Ave. Tucson, AZ 85742 6. You can also check our WEB Page: http://www.drw.net/pjsoft for information concerning credit card orders. DISCLAIMER: I make no guarantees this program will work on all systems and am not responsible for any problems it may cause.